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8.4 Use Clauses

  1. A use_package_clause achieves direct visibility of declarations that appear in the visible part of a package; a use_type_clause achieves direct visibility of the primitive operators of a type.


  2. use_clause ::= use_package_clause | use_type_clause
  3. use_package_clause ::= use package_name {, package_name};
  4. use_type_clause ::= use type subtype_mark {, subtype_mark};

    Legality Rules

  5. A package_name of a use_package_clause shall denote a package.

    Static Semantics

  6. For each use_clause, there is a certain region of text called the scope of the use_clause. For a use_clause within a context_clause of a library_unit_declaration or library_unit_renaming_declaration, the scope is the entire declarative region of the declaration. For a use_clause within a context_clause of a body, the scope is the entire body and any subunits (including multiply nested subunits). The scope does not include context_clauses themselves.
  7. For a use_clause immediately within a declarative region, the scope is the portion of the declarative region starting just after the use_clause and extending to the end of the declarative region. However, the scope of a use_clause in the private part of a library unit does not include the visible part of any public descendant of that library unit.
  8. For each package denoted by a package_name of a use_package_clause whose scope encloses a place, each declaration that occurs immediately within the declarative region of the package is potentially use-visible at this place if the declaration is visible at this place. For each type T or T'Class determined by a subtype_mark of a use_type_clause whose scope encloses a place, the declaration of each primitive operator of type T is potentially use-visible at this place if its declaration is visible at this place.
  9. A declaration is use-visible if it is potentially use-visible, except in these naming-conflict cases:
    1. A potentially use-visible declaration is not use-visible if the place considered is within the immediate scope of a homograph of the declaration.
    2. Potentially use-visible declarations that have the same identifier are not use-visible unless each of them is an overloadable declaration.

Dynamic Semantics

  1. The elaboration of a use_clause has no effect.


  2. Example of a use clause in a context clause:
  3. with Ada.Calendar; use Ada;
  4. Example of a use type clause:
  5. use type Rational_Numbers.Rational;  -- See section 7.1 Package Specifications and Declarations
    Two_Thirds: Rational_Numbers.Rational := 2/3;

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