Ada 95 Quality and Style Guide Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Object-Oriented Features - TOC - 9.5 MULTIPLE INHERITANCE

9.5.1 Multiple Inheritance Techniques


  • Consider using type composition for implementation, as opposed to interface, inheritance.
  • Consider using a generic to "mix in" functionality to a derivative of some core abstraction.
  • Consider using access discriminants to support "full" multiple inheritance where an object must be referenceable as an entity of two or more distinct unrelated abstractions.

  • example

    Both examples that follow are taken directly from Taft (1994). The first shows how to use multiple inheritance techniques to create an abstract type whose interface inherits from one type and whose implementation inherits from another type. The second example shows how to enhance the functionality of a basic abstraction by mixing in new features.

    The abstract type Set_Of_Strings provides the interface to inherit:

    type Set_Of_Strings is abstract tagged limited private;
    type Element_Index is new Natural;  -- Index within set.
    No_Element : constant Element_Index := 0;
    Invalid_Index : exception;
    procedure Enter(
      -- Enter an element into the set, return the index
      Set : in out Set_Of_Strings;
      S : String;
      Index : out Element_Index) is abstract;
    procedure Remove(
      -- Remove an element from the set; ignore if not there
      Set : in out Set_Of_Strings;
      S : String) is abstract;
    procedure Combine(
      -- Combine Additional_Set into Union_Set
      Union_Set : in out Set_Of_Strings;
      Additional_Set : Set_Of_Strings) is abstract;
    procedure Intersect(
      -- Remove all elements of Removal_Set from Intersection_Set
      Intersection_Set : in out Set_Of_Strings;
      Removal_Set : Set_Of_Strings) is abstract;
    function Size(Set : Set_Of_Strings) return Element_Index 
      is abstract;
      -- Return a count of the number of elements in the set
    function Index(
      -- Return the index of a given element;
      -- return No_Element if not there.
      Set : Set_Of_Strings;
      S : String) return Element_Index is abstract;
    function Element(Index : Element_Index) return String is abstract;
      -- Return element at given index position
      -- raise Invalid_Index if no element there.
      type Set_Of_Strings is abstract tagged limited ...

    The type Hashed_Set derives its interface from Set_of_Strings and its implementation from an existing (concrete) type Hash_Table:

    type Hashed_Set(Table_Size : Positive) is
      new Set_Of_Strings with private;
    -- Now we give the specs of the operations being implemented
    procedure Enter(
      -- Enter an element into the set, return the index
      Set : in out Hashed_Set;
      S : String;
      Index : out Element_Index);
    procedure Remove(
      -- Remove an element from the set; ignore if not there
      Set : in out Hashed_Set;
      S : String);
      -- . . . etc.
      type Hashed_Set(Table_Size : Positive) is
        new Set_Of_Strings with record
          Table : Hash_Table(1..Table_Size);
        end record;

    In the package body, you define the bodies of the operations (i.e., Enter, Remove,Combine, Size, etc.) using the operations available on Hash_Table. You must also provide any necessary "glue" code.

    In this second example, the type Basic_Window responds to various events and calls:

    type Basic_Window is tagged limited private;
    procedure Display(W : Basic_Window);
    procedure Mouse_Click(W     : in out Basic_Window;
                          Where :        Mouse_Coords);
              . . .

    You use mixins to add features such as labels, borders, menu bar, etc:

      type Some_Window is new Window with private;
      -- take in any descendant of Window
    package Label_Mixin is
      type Window_With_Label is new Some_Window with private;
        -- Jazz it up somehow.
      -- Overridden operations:
      procedure Display(W : Window_With_Label);
      -- New operations:
      procedure Set_Label(W : in out Window_With_Label; S : String);
        -- Set the label
      function Label(W : Window_With_Label) return String;
        -- Fetch the label
      type Window_With_Label is
        new Some_Window with record
          Label : String_Quark := Null_Quark;
            -- An XWindows-Like unique ID for a string
        end record;

    In the generic body, you implement any overridden operations as well as the new operations. For example, you could implement the overridden Display operation using some of the inherited operations:

    procedure Display(W : Window_With_Label) is
          -- First display the window normally,
          -- by passing the buck to the parent type.
        if W.Label /= Null_Quark then
          -- Now display the label if it is not null
            Display_On_Screen(XCoord(W), YCoord(W)-5, Value(W.Label));
              -- Use two inherited functions on Basic_Window
              -- to get the coordinates where to display the label.
        end if;
    end Display;

    Assuming you have defined several generics with these additional features, to create the desired window, you use a combination of generic instantiations and private type extension, as shown in the following code:

      type My_Window is new Basic_Window with private;
      . . .
      package Add_Label is new Label_Mixin(Basic_Window);
      package Add_Border is
        new Border_Mixin(Add_Label.Window_With_Label);
      package Add_Menu_Bar is
        new Menu_Bar_Mixin(Add_Border.Window_With_Border);
      type My_Window is
        new Add_Menu_Bar.Window_With_Menu_Bar with null record;
          -- Final window is a null extension of Window_With_Menu_Bar.
          -- We could instead make a record extension and
          -- add components for My_Window over and above those
          -- needed by the mixins.

    The following example shows "full" multiple inheritance.

    Assume previous definition of packages for Savings_Account and Checking_Account. The following example shows the definition of an interest-bearing checking account (NOW account):

    with Savings_Account;
    with Checking_Account;
    package NOW_Account is
       type Object is tagged limited private;
       type Savings (Self : access Object'Class) is
          new Savings_Account.Object with null record;
       -- These need to be overridden to call through to "Self"
       procedure Deposit (Into_Account : in out Savings; ...);
       procedure Withdraw (...);
       procedure Earn_Interest (...);
       function Interest (...) return Float;
       function Balance (...) return Float;
       type Checking (Self : access Object'Class) is
          new Checking_Account.Object with null record;
       procedure Deposit (Into_Account : in out Checking; ...);
       function Balance (...) return Float;
       -- These operations will call-through to Savings_Account or
       -- Checking_Account operations. "Inherits" in this way all savings and
       -- checking operations
       procedure Deposit (Into_Account : in out Object; ...);
       procedure Earn_Interest (...);
       function Balance (...) return Float;
       -- Could alternatively have Object be derived from either
       -- Savings_Account.Object or Checking_Account.Object
       type Object is tagged
             As_Savings  : Savings (Object'Access);
             As_Checking : Checking (Object'Access);
          end record;
    end NOW_Account;

    Another possibility is that the savings and checking accounts are both implemented based on a common Account abstraction, resulting in inheriting a Balance state twice for NOW_Account.Object. To resolve this ambiguity, you need to use an abstract type hierarchy for the multiple inheritance of interface and separate mixins for the multiple inheritance of implementation.


    In other languages such as Eiffel and C++, multiple inheritance serves many purposes. In Eiffel, for instance, you must use inheritance both for module inclusion and for inheritance itself (Taft 1994). Ada provides context clauses for module inclusion and child libraries for finer modularization control. Ada does not provide a separate syntax for multiple inheritance. Rather, it provides a set of building blocks in type extension and composition that allow you to mix in additional behaviors.

    A library of mixins allows the client to mix and match in order to develop an implementation. Also see Guideline 8.3.8 about implementing mixins.

    You should not use multiple inheritance to derive an abstraction that is essentially unrelated to its parent(s). Thus, you should not try to derive a menu abstraction by inheriting from a command line type and a window type. However, if you have a basic abstraction such as a window, you can use multiple inheritance mixins to create a more sophisticated abstraction, where a mixin is the package containing the type(s) and operations that will extend the parent abstraction.

    Use self-referential data structures to implement types with "full" multiple inheritance ("multiple polymorphism").

    A common mistake is to use multiple inheritance for parts-of relations. When a type is composed of several others types, you should use heterogeneous data structuring techniques, discussed in Guideline 5.4.2.

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