Ada 95 Quality and Style Guide Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Object-Oriented Features - TOC - 9.3 TAGGED TYPE OPERATIONS

9.3.5 Polymorphism


  • Consider using class-wide programming to provide run-time, dynamic polymorphism when constructing larger, reusable, extensible frameworks.
  • When possible, use class-wide programming rather than variant records.
  • Use class-wide programming to provide a consistent interface across the set of types in the tagged type hierarchy (i.e., class).
  • Consider using generics to define a new type in terms of an existing type, either as an extension or as a container, collection, or composite data structure.
  • Avoid using type extensions for parameterized abstractions when generics provide a more appropriate mechanism.

  • example

         type Element is private;
      package Stack is
      end Stack;

    is preferable to:

      package Stack is
         type Element is tagged null record;
         -- Elements to be put on the stack must be of a descendant type
         -- of this type.
      end Stack;


    Both generics and class-wide types allow a single algorithm to be applicable to multiple, specific types. With generics, you achieve polymorphism across unrelated types because the type used in the instantiation must match the generic formal part. You specify required operations using generic formal subprograms, constructing them as needed for a given instantiation. Generics are ideal for capturing relatively small, reusable algorithms and programming idioms, for example, sorting algorithms, maps, bags, and iterators. As generics become large, however, they become unwieldy, and each instantiation may involve additional generated code. Class-wide programming, including class-wide types and type extension, is more appropriate for building a large subsystem because you avoid the additional generated code and unwieldy properties of generics.

    Class-wide programming enables you to take a set of heterogeneous data structures and provide a homogeneous-looking interface across the whole set. See also Guideline 9.2.1 on using tagged types to describe heterogeneous polymorphic data.

    In object-oriented programming languages without generic capabilities, it was common to use inheritance to achieve much the same effect. However, this technique is generally less clear and more cumbersome to use than the equivalent explicit generic definition. The nongeneric, inheritance approach can always be recovered using a specific instantiation of the generic. Also see Guidelines 5.3.2 and 5.4.7 for a discussion of
    self-referential data structures.

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