Ada 95 Quality and Style Guide Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Reusability - TOC - 8.4 INDEPENDENCE

8.4.3 Coupling Due to Pragmas


  • In the specification of a generic library unit, use pragma Elaborate_Body.

  • example

    package Stack is
       pragma Elaborate_Body (Stack); -- in case the body is not yet elaborated
    end Stack;
    with Stack;
    package My_Stack is
       new Stack (...);
    package body Stack is
    end Stack;


    The elaboration order of compilation units is only constrained to follow the compilation order. Furthermore, any time you have an instantiation as a library unit or an instantiation in a library package, Ada requires that you elaborate the body of the generic being instantiated before elaborating the instantiation itself. Because a generic library unit body may be compiled after an instantiation of that generic, the body may not necessarily be elaborated at the time of the instantiation, causing a Program_Error. Using pragma Elaborate_Body avoids this by requiring that the generic unit body be elaborated immediately after the specification, whatever the compilation order.

    When there is clear requirement for a recursive dependency, you should use pragma Elaborate_Body. This situation arises, for example, when you have a recursive dependency (i.e., package A's body depends on package B's specification and package B's body depends on package A's specification).


    Pragma Elaborate_All controls the order of elaboration of one unit with respect to another. This is another way of coupling units and should be avoided when possible in reusable parts because it restricts the number of configurations in which the reusable parts can be combined. Recognize, however, that pragma Elaborate_All provides a better guarantee of elaboration order because if using this pragma uncovers elaboration problems, they will be reported at link time (as opposed to a run-time execution error).

    Any time you call a subprogram (typically a function) during the elaboration of a library unit, the body of the subprogram must have been elaborated before the library unit. You can ensure this elaboration happens by adding a pragma Elaborate_Body for the unit containing the function. If, however, that function calls other functions, then it is safer to put a pragma Elaborate_All on the unit containing the function.

    For a discussion of the pragmas Pure and Preelaborate, see also the Ada Reference Manual (1995, §10.2.1) and the Rationale (1995, §10.3). If you use either pragma Pure or Preelaborate, you will not need the pragma Elaborate_Body.

    The idea of a registry is fundamental to many object-oriented programming frameworks. Because other library units will need to call it during their elaboration, you need to make sure that the registry itself is elaborated early. Note that the registry should only depend on the root types of the type hierarchies and that the registry should only hold "class-wide" pointers to the objects, not more specific pointers. The root types should not themselves depend on the registry. See Chapter 9 for a more complete discussion of the use of object-oriented features.

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