Ada 95 Quality and Style Guide Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Concurrency - TOC - 6.1 CONCURRENCY OPTIONS

6.1.8 Extensibility and Concurrent Structures


  • Carefully consider the placement of components of protected types within a tagged type inheritance hierarchy.
  • Consider using generics to provide extensibility of data types requiring the restrictions provided by protected objects.

  • rationale

    Once a component of a protected type is added to an inheritance hierarchy of an abstract data type, further extensibility of that data type is impaired. When you constrain the concurrent behavior of a type (i.e., introduce a protected type component), you lose the ability to modify that behavior in subsequent derivations. Therefore, when the need arises for a version of an abstract data type to impose the restrictions provided by protected objects, the opportunity for reuse is maximized by adding the protected objects at the leaves of the inheritance hierarchy.

    The reusability of common protected operations (e.g., mutually exclusive read/write operations) can be maximized by using generic implementations of abstract data types. These generic implementations then provide templates that can be instantiated with data types specific to individual applications.


    You can address synchronization within an inheritance hierarchy in one of three ways:

    - You can declare the root as a limited tagged type with a component that belongs to a protected type and give the tagged type primitive operations that work by invoking the protected operations of that component.
    - Given a tagged type implementing an abstract data type (perhaps resulting from several extensions), you can declare a protected type with a component belonging to the tagged type. The body of each protected operation would then invoke the corresponding operation of the abstract data type. The protected operations provide mutual exclusion.
    - You can use a hybrid approach where you declare a protected type with a component of some tagged type. You then use this protected type to implement a new root tagged type (not a descendant of the original tagged type).

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